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This event has built on the tradition of previous editions organized by LFAGS, held between 2014 and 2018, which were previously known as "Mathematical Days." After a short pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the series was revived in 2022 under a new name, MCMA, which better aligns with the disciplines and themes explored in these conferences. The eighth edition of MCMA aims to support both young and experienced researchers working in the field of functional analysis and its applications, with a special emphasis on Banach spaces and operator theory.
The conference will be held face-to-face.
Honorable Patronage:
With the honorable patronage of:
Prof. Ammar Boudellaa, Director of University of M'sila
Prof. Brahim Nouiri, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Conference Chair
Prof. D. Achour, University of M’sila
Conference Coordinator
Prof. D. Drihem, University of M’sila
Organizing Committee:
President: Dr. A. Tallab, University of M’sila
Dr. H. Abdelaziz, University of M’sila
Dr. A. Alouani, University of M’sila
Dr. N. Dechoucha, University of M’sila
Dr. F. Mekdour, University of M’sila
Dr. R. Yahi, University of M’sila
Organizing Committee Assistant:
Dr. R. Chouder, University of M’sila
Dr. K. Hamidi, University of M’sila
Scientific Committee:
President: Prof. E. Dahia, ENS-Bousaada
Prof. D. Achour, University of M’sila
Prof. M. Dilmi, University of Setif 1
Prof. D. Drihem, University of M’sila
Prof. F. Messelmi, University of Djelfa
Prof. M. Moussai, University of M’sila
Prof. L. Mezrag, University of M’sila
Prof. A. Sengouga, University of M’sila
Dr. A. Tallab, University of M’sila
The geometry of Banach and metric spaces
Linear and nonlinear operator theory
Functional analysis of PDEs and ODEs
Important Deadline Dates:
Papers Submission : October 13 th, 2024
Date Conference :October 23 rd, 2024
Registration Fees:
PhD Students: 1500 DA
Researchers: 4000 DA
Submission and Template_8MCMA_2024:
Authors are kindly asked to use the following template: